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Trumpet players in orchestra

All Saints’ Church building until 2021 has been principally dedicated to worship, however the recent restoration and renovation of the interior, and in particular the removal of the pews, allows us to open it to the community for other daytime and evening uses also. 

The primary use of the Church will remain Christian worship on Sundays, some weekdays, Church holidays and festivals, marriages and funerals, but the Parochial Church Council welcomes its use by community groups and individuals at other times.

The space available for occupation consists of the space within the nave, aisles and tower. The servery and WC are included but the Chancel will be reserved for private prayer at any time the church is open. 

Organisations and individuals who wish to use the church for their activity must agree to give their contact details, state the nature of the event, the equipment required and their planned time of arrival and departure.  Any furniture moved to be used must be   put back at the end of the session by the group using the space.  There is no alcohol licence.

All users will be required to abide by the Church’s Safeguarding and Health & Fire Safety policies and, for so long as these are in force, with the COVID safety precautions set out by the PCC in response to government guidelines.

Occasional or regular weekly or monthly use is welcomed and the charge will be negotiated.  The Parochial Church Council will reasonably consider all approaches but reserves the right to deny access.

To request a booking please contact Paru Oatey who will discuss our scale of charges and licence agreement.

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